Att älske en plats,
Vandrestaven konstfestival
Lysvik, Sverige

Rambollan bjuder på älgräsfika

The installation Rambollan bjuder på älgräsfika /Rambollan Invites You to Meadow Sweet Cake explores a historical figure who once inhabited the current community center, Ramhea. This inhabitant was a woman plagued by a reputation for witchcraft, leading to a life of poverty on the fringes of society. By delving into local historical sources, folklore, and herbal lore from the area, I aim to offer an alternative perspective on who Rambollan might have been.

Text: “Det mest kraftfulla receptet i min cyprianus är älggräskakan. Den öppnar hjärtan och skänker folk lust till att dansa.”  
"The most powerful recipe in my cyprianus is the meadow sweet cake. It opens hearts and instills people with the desire to dance."