I Knud Vikotors Lydspor
Samsø, Danmark

Solslimerne i Stavns fjord

The Sun Slimmers in Stavns Fjord is an invitation to spend time with an other species: Littorina littorea. Through an installation placed in their habitat you will be able to listen and become familiar with this common, but often overlooked, snail. 

The periwinkle or winkle (Littorina littorea) is a snail that reaches 3,5 cm and is very common along the shores of western Europe. It is mostly found in the intertidal zone, where is feeds on algaes by scrapping them of the substrate with its tongue, called its radula. Usually it sits on rocks and cliffs, but it can also be found in the sand.  
The radula consists of several teeth which makes a special gnawing sound when it is feeding. You will maybe be able to hear the tongue through the installation.